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The Next Generation of Vidyard’s AI Avatars: Demo, Use Cases, & More

When we launched AI Avatars, sellers went crazy for AI-powered video generation. We saw tons of teams start using AI Avatars to generate personalized outreach videos, letting them spend those precious would-be recording hours on the tasks that really matter.

But now we’ve made the best even better. September 12 was launch day for a raft of new AI Avatars features that make it quicker and easier to create AI videos that are more realistic than ever. We’ve plugging AI Avatars into the tools you use to work, as well as enhancing its video personalization capabilities.

This session was the launch party to show you what the newest generation of AI Avatars is all about, featuring Michael Litt, CEO, and Danielle Ellbogen, Senior Director, Product. Here’s what’s on the agenda:

  • AI Avatars Demo: We show you exactly how AI Avatars works, with looks at the new features we introduced
  • Real-World Use Cases: Get ideas for using AI Avatars, including prospecting, deal closing, and customer comms
  • Q&A: We answer audience questions about AI Avatars

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