Jeb Blount, the bestselling author of 13 books (including Fanatical Prospecting and Selling in a Crisis) joined Vidyard's Fast Forward and answered the biggest questions in sales. In this unplugged, unscripted, and unfiltered session, Jeb shared his take on how sales have changed, career advice for those starting out and looking to grow and more!
Contents of this video
0:00 Introduction1:01 What's changed in sales in the last 5 years?7:16 Career advice for a BDR looking to move up9:43 How do you get people to open video emails?16:49 How to come off as less 'salesly' in a meeting20:07 Will virtual selling trends slow down?25:24 How to sell a product that has little awareness28:51 Handling prospects who won't answer discovery questions34:35 What's the best approach to prospecting emails38:33 Advice for someone just getting started in sales42:38 How to stay motivated while selling46:27 Do you think AI will have a huge impact on sales?50:54 When and where to get stakeholders involved in the sale