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Post-Interview Thank You

Be remembered after your interview by sending over a quick thank you to the hiring manager. Send this video following the interview in place of a traditional thank you note.

Vidyard video thumbnail - click to play

Template Script

Use the script structure below to create your own video

    Intro: Hey [Interviewer's Name], thank you for our conversation today.

    Value: It was great learning about [Mention 2-3 Points From The Conversation That Interested You About The Company/Role].

    Purpose:I’m excited by the opportunity to [Summarize The Organization Challenge The Role Solves].

    Call-To-Action: Let me know if we missed anything. If not, speak soon!

Tips & Tricks

Recommended Video Length: 20 seconds

Type of Recording:Camera only

Template Specific Tips & Tricks: Getting on camera again will show you're willing to go the extra mile. Be sure to keep up your energy and enthusiasm throughout the video.