Introduction to Vidyard Prospector
Connect with more high-quality leads and save time doing it. Vidyard Prospector uses AI to generate hyper-personalized prospecting messages and automate email delivery to save you time while building more …
Video is a great way to quickly and easily recap a discovery call meeting. Not only does video help communicate information, but it’s also a great way to establish a personal relationship with a new prospect.
Login or Signup for VidyardA sales discovery call recap is a great way to quickly follow up with your prospect about the conversation you just had. While you should definitely be establishing the next steps before your discovery call ends, sending a discovery call recap is a great way to remind your prospect what you talked about, the pain points you uncovered, and the ways that your company can help them.
While this discovery call recap is often sent as an email, a video can help to continue to build on the relationship you are building with your prospect. It’s a great way to add personality to your follow-up recap, ensuring that both parties are on the same page and heading in the right direction together.
A discovery call recap video should be simple and straightforward. It’s a great opportunity to thank your prospect for taking the time to meet with you and clarify the problem that was uncovered during the call.
From there it’s a great opportunity to restate the vision that was discussed on the call; how will your company help your prospect solve their problem or problems? Rather than simply typing it out in a recap email, a video allows you to communicate excitement for the solution you provide, how it can help your prospect and, of course, for the opportunity to work together with this prospect.
The bonus of using video is you’re upping the exposure your prospect gets to your voice and face, important aspects of building trust and maintaining a relationship. This personalized recap can go a long way as you are beginning your journey together.
This template is great for creating a video to send after your discovery call. It can be sent immediately after your call, or later on in the same day, but you definitely want to recap while the information is fresh and there is still excitement bubbling around the solution you can offer.